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Is India safe to travel?

India is a land full of fascination and mystical experiences. And like travelling to any other country, when you are travelling to India for the first time, a little curiosity about its climate, social scenario and of course your own safety often cloud your mind with doubts. However, being informed and getting correct information beforehand can save you from a lot of inconvenience and can make your travel to India safer and full of pleasant experiences.

Like every other country, India too has its set of social beliefs, customs, ways of dressing, approaching someone and even the specific nonverbal gestures which you may call ‘body language’. By giving due thought to these points and practicing well in advance, you can make your time in India more memorable.

While travel in India will require heightened attention and common sense, let me assure you it is worth it.

Here are a few tips to help ward off unwanted situations – but also keep you open to positive experiences:



A particular dress up is required to avoid unpleasant gestures and stares in India. Males can wear regular jeans, t-shirt and shirt trousers while females can wear Kurta (long loose, tunic), salwar-kameej or sarees in the sub-urban or rural areas. However, if you are travelling to metro cities or urban places in India, wearing a jeans t-shirt is not a problem for ladies. But make sure your clothing is appropriate for weather and the surrounding.

This is by no means a guarantee of your safety and may not change the way men act towards you, but there’s no need to draw unnecessary attention to yourself.



Try to learn few nonverbal gestures before landing here. You might benefit from learning gestures like ‘Namaste’. Avoid looking at someone who is throwing offensive glance at you, keep the local police helpline number in your speed dial to handle extreme issues. Act maturely if someone tries to offer you help or something to eat. If you don’t want it, deny it politely.



Before arriving in India, read and learn about the country, its culture and religion. No country will fascinate you more if you are well prepared for India.

To make sure you always have help at hand, apply for a local SIM card on landing to India and try to remain in touch with your tour operator or travel agent.

Indians are the best hosts you can hope for…

A good thing about India is that people are genuinely excited about little things and incredibly good hosts. You really feel welcomed as a visitor by the people who invited you. You see them bending backwards to sort problems out for you and make your visit as convenient as possible. So be POSITIVE!

If you are well prepared, have the right information and the right attitude, your travel to India could be as pleasant as to any other country. After conquering your doubts, you will be able to experience this place which is full of colors, life and enthusiasm.